Homemade Corned Beef Hash (Breakfast Skillet Style)

Waking up to the sizzling symphony of corned beef hash, I mean, is there anything better? Heck no, folks! Our delightful tale begins with a can of Hormel foods, a concoction of corned beef, potato, and pure nostalgia. But oh, the times they are a-changin', and we've ditched the can for a more "artisanal" approach. We're going gourmet with our breakfast buddies, upgrading to real ingredients with less of a "surviving the blitz" vibe. Trust me, when it comes to the canned Hormel stuff, I'm its biggest groupie. But, let's be honest, we can do better. We're about to embark on a corned beef hash journey that will make your taste buds do a happy little jig.

The star of our show, the corned beef, hails from the humble brisket that's been cured and simmered until it practically melts in your mouth. Toss it with some hearty Idaho potatoes, and you've got a breakfast that'll make Mickey Mouse pancakes blush. So how do you like your beef? Diced? Shredded? You are the Beef Lord, my friend. Unleash your culinary prowess and tailor this breakfast classic to your palate's every whim.

Dishing up corned beef hash is as versatile as a Swiss army knife - whip it up for your pack of famished (and likely hungover) pals, or serve it to your well-rested significant other on a lazy weekend morning. Or, hey, fancy it up with poached eggs and a daring drizzle of chili oil. Go on, get wild with it! Remember, this isn't just a recipe; it's a declaration of independence from the breakfast norm. So don your apron, arm yourself with a spatula, and let's get our hash on. After all, we aren't here to play it safe; we're here to flip the script on breakfast! 🤘🏼 Adam

P.S. This corned beef hash skillet is made better with homemade corned beef. Learn how to make it here.

Yield: 4-6
Homemade Corned Beef Hash (Breakfast Skillet Style)

Homemade Corned Beef Hash (Breakfast Skillet Style)

Cook time: 30 MinTotal time: 30 Min



  1. Begin by dicing your corned beef and russet potatoes. Remember, you are the Beef Lord, choose your own beef style.
  2. Bring a large, heavy-bottomed skillet to medium-high heat. Drop in your butter, followed by the diced potatoes. Cook them until they're golden brown, seasoning with salt.
  3. Once the potatoes are looking crispy and flavorful, add in your diced onion. Give them a few minutes to sweat and release their aromatic powers.
  4. Next, add fresh chopped thyme and minced garlic into the mix. Stir it around and let them mingle with the potatoes and onions for a couple of minutes.
  5. Now, for the main event: corned beef. Add it to the pan, season with black pepper, and stir. Top it off with some chopped parsley to bring a burst of freshness to the dish.
  6. Serve your hash with fried or poached eggs on top. If you're feeling adventurous, drizzle some chili oil on top. Remember, this dish is an idea, not a set of rules. So, get creative with it!

How to make Eggs like a Michelin Star Chef (ft. Chef Ryan Pfeiffer)


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