Broccoli Cheddar Soup! (Bread Bowl)

You know, there are certain dishes that when you hear their name, you automatically imagine yourself in an oversized sweater, sitting by a crackling fire, the outside world surrendering to a snowstorm. Welcome to the hearty and comforting world of Broccoli Cheddar Soup, a dish with the power to transform any mundane Tuesday evening into a festive and cozy experience. First off, let's address the big elephant in the room: vegetables. I know, I know. For some of you, the 'V' word is about as welcome as a skunk at a garden party. But bear with me. We're talking about broccoli here. That versatile, vitamin-packed veggie that somehow sneaks its way into an indulgent, creamy, cheesy soup. It's like a healthy Trojan horse, and you won't see it coming until you're already loving it.

Now, let's talk cheese. Oh, cheddar, you glorious golden god of the dairy aisle. This soup is a homage to your versatility. Cheddar is the Rockstar that knows how to balance a tune, adding a melodious richness without overpowering the rest of the band. Then there's the ham, adding a sultry, smoky rhythm to our culinary ensemble, playing off the vegetables' freshness and the creamy, decadent notes of the soup base. All this comes together to form a rock concert for your taste buds, a medley of flavors so harmonious that you'd want to make an encore every night.

In conclusion, my rockers, this Broccoli Cheddar Soup is not just a meal; it's a life-affirming experience, a celebration of the unity of flavors that should be as improbable as a mosh pit at a Mozart concert, yet works as seamlessly as a power chord on a Gibson Les Paul. It's a testament to the joy of cooking, an anthem to the delicious unpredictability of culinary creativity. So, take this recipe, head to the kitchen, crank up your favorite tunes, and create your own symphony of flavors. Keep on cooking, keep on rocking, and stay hungry. 🤘🏼 Adam.

Yield: 4-6
Broccoli Cheddar Soup (Panera Copycat Recipe)

Broccoli Cheddar Soup (Panera Copycat Recipe)



  1. Over medium heat, melt your 1/4 cup of unsalted butter in a heavy-bottomed pot. It's about to get real as we start to lay the foundation for this mouthwatering soup.
  2. Toss in your chopped veggies - the medium celery sticks, carrots, and yellow onion, all diced to perfection. Cook them down for a good 5 minutes until they start to soften. You're aiming for the onion to become translucent and the carrots and celery to have that tender-crisp bite.
  3. Your 2 cloves of garlic, minced, and the 2 tsp of fresh thyme make their grand entrance now. They'll need about 30 seconds to a minute to blend in and get aromatic. That aroma is basically the soup whispering, "Get ready, it's about to go down."
  4. Time for the 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour to make its debut. Stir it into your veggies until everything is well coated. This is your thickening agent, prepping to give the soup that cozy, comfort-food consistency.
  5. Slowly introduce your 2 cups of chicken stock to the pot, stirring consistently to make sure your flour doesn't form clumps. Follow up with the 2 cups of milk, making sure everything mixes smoothly.
  6. Bring your mixture to a simmer and let it cook for around 15 minutes, or until your veggies are fully tender. This is the break where your soup gathers its strength for the final push.
  7. It's time for the 1 1/2 cups of diced ham to take the stage. Stir it into the soup and let it simmer for a few more minutes to let the flavor permeate throughout.
  8. Lastly, the showstopper – 2 cups of grated cheddar cheese. Stir this in until it's fully melted and your soup has that creamy, cheesy richness that makes you close your eyes and sigh with contentment.
  9. Add salt and pepper to taste, and voila! You've got yourself a pot of comforting, hearty broccoli cheddar soup. Serve piping hot and enjoy.

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