Real Homemade Ranch & Blue Cheese Dressing

Ever caught yourself staring at the dressing aisle, paralyzed by the too-many-to-count bottles of ranch and blue cheese dressing? Yeah, me too. But let me tell you, making these bad boys at home is easier than remembering how to spell "Worcestershire", and the taste? Forget about it.

First, we've got Ranch, the undisputed champion of the salad dressing world, the Picasso of the pizza dip, the magic drizzle for your buffalo wings. Born in the scenic surroundings of the Hidden Valley Ranch in California, hence the name, ranch is a harmonious blend of buttermilk, mayo, and a party of herbs and spices. When you craft it at home, not only can you control the ingredients - bye bye, preservatives! - but you can tweak it to your taste. Want more garlic? Go for it. Need it more tangy? Squeeze that lemon! It's your dressing, rule it.

Switching gears, let's talk Blue Cheese dressing. It's the misunderstood rebel of the dressing world. It might have a bit of an edge with its pungent aroma and strong flavor, but once you get to know it, you'll see it's just as versatile and delicious as its ranch counterpart. The process? It's almost identical to ranch. You mix, you season, you chill, and you serve. But the result? Oh, it's like a flavor rodeo happening right in your mouth.

So, why settle for store-bought dressings when you can whip up fresh, preservative-free, totally customized versions at home? Homemade Ranch and Blue Cheese dressing - the dynamic duo that every salad, every wing, and every slice of pizza deserves. 🤘🏼Adam

Yield: 1 1/2 - 2 cups each
Ranch Dressing & Blue Cheese Dressing

Ranch Dressing & Blue Cheese Dressing


Ranch Dressing
Blue Cheese Dressing


  1. Mix the ingredients together. Refrigerate for up to 4 days.

Adam's Notes

  • As far as Blue Cheese goes, Roquefort or Maytag are good bets. Roquefort is French and made from Sheep’s milk, while Maytag is American and made from Cow’s milk; they’re both creamy varieties and work well in dressing.


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